2023 Fall Festival

Date and Time

Thursday, October 26 2023 at 4:00 PM CDT to

Thursday, October 26 2023 at 6:00 PM CDT


MET 109-111


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*THE FALL FESTIVAL HAS BEEN MOVED TO MET 109-111* The Center for Student Life is excited to host our annual Fall Festival for HSC students! Join us for a fun event with fall activities sponsored by HSC departments and student organizations. The Center for Student Life will be sponsoring a small pumpkin patch, BBQ sandwiches from Dickies BBQ, treats from the Donut NV food truck, outdoor games, and HSC swag while supplies last! Vegetarian/gluten-free food items will be available from Jason's Deli. 

Halloween costumes are encouraged! So feel free to dress up and show your Halloween spirit! 



Small icon of pizza to represent food in general Free Food
Small icon of a purse to represent items in general Free Stuff


Center for Student Life Event