Practice Experience/CPT Application


Federal regulations state, Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is defined to be an internship, cooperative education, or any other type of required internship or practicum that is offered by sponsoring employers through cooperative agreements with the school. You are required to use this form to request authorization to accept OFF-CAMPUS EMPLOYMENT (paid or unpaid) as it relates to practicums, internships, or practice experience courses. Once the form is submitted it will be reviewed and once approved you will receive a new I-20 showing the employer and the CPT approval. CPT must be authorized each semester. The dates of CPT authorization are limited to align with semester enrollment dates.

When submitting this form, you must list your advisor's e-mail as the reviewer. Once your advisor has approved your form, allow a minimum of 7 working days for a response to your request. All requests for CPT should be discussed with your advisor prior to completing this form.
CPT Employer Letter or Project Agreement

In order to apply for CPT, you must submit either the course project agreement or a job offer letter from your employer on company letterhead, which must include the following information: 1. Your full name 2. Company name and address (physical address, not a P.O. Box) 3. Position title with job description 4. Supervisor's name, phone number, and e-mail address 5. Salary/hourly wage for the position 6. Number of hours per week to be worked 7. Start Date and End Date