Reduced Course Load (RCL) Request


International Students use this from to request approval to take a reduced course load (RCL) for one semester. A student must receive approval for the reduced course load before they actually drop below full time. Dropping below full time in a required semester without prior approval will result in SEVIS termination.

Students should have met with both ISO and their advisor before completing this form.

When submitting this form, you must list your advisor's e-mail as the reviewer. Once your advisor has approved your form, allow a minimum of 7 working days for a response to your request. All requests for RCL must be approved before the student drops below full time. Students should meet with International Student & Scholar Services and their academic advisor before completing this form.

Compelling Reason for RCL

The Department of Homeland Security allows for students to maintain valid F-1 status if certain circumstances require them to be enrolled less than full time, though this can generally only be used once per academic level. Federal regulations allow only certain compelling academic or medical reasons for a student to take an RCL. Financial difficulties are not a valid reason for RCL approval. Those seeking an RCL on medical grounds, must provide documentation from a licensed MD, DO, or clinical psychologist. Improper Course Placement is only to be used if a required course is only offered on a limited basis and you cannot find another required course to take this term.
Medical Documentation

If requesting a reduced course load based on a medical condition, you are required to provide documentation from a licensed MD, DO, or clinical psychologist stating that they recommend that you drop a course for the specific semester. The Medical Reduced Course Load is provided on a semester by semester basis only.